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Landscaping Factors

As you finally manage to narrow down the list of things between the one that you wants and desire, you have to take a reality check to ensure that your desire is however compatible with the given your property’s location and attributes as well as with your lifestyle and current budget.

The main thing about the considerations is taking note of what the homeowners really want. They normally strive to achieve that with a minimum budget that is both affordable and practical.

In addition, you might have to take their initial vision and at the same time along the way, providing them with valuable advice to make things fit in better with the setting. From your home’s natural architecture to zoning laws, keep these basics considerations in mind whenever you are planning your landscaping project.

I. Architecture
landscape design, however, should complement the whole architectural style of your home at first and relate much to the house’s orientation on the property. Sometimes you can also play off with the angles in your home to accommodate topographical changes.

II. Activities
Is the yard big enough just for you to do everything with your family over there? What is your plan for the leftover spaces when they try to outgrow it? Can you however keep your pet from trampling your 
garden? Anyway, the size of the family is very important in the process of determining the sizes of your patio and swimming pool when you design and build your landscape.

III. Seasonality
If you lived in a four seasons landscape then you can plant for year-round interest so there is always something blooming and changing colors in the garden. In a desert climate, however, some grasses and plants go dormant in the hot weather so you can try to create visual interest by using silhouettes of trees and other large plants. However, in Malaysia, you do not have too much seasonality issue.

IV. Timing
The best time to have the professional to evaluate your landscape is actually during the fall season because that time is when the landscape plants have matured and the leaves are falling and you can see how the whole things there are done. Then you can start to work through your design during the winter season while hit the ground running in the spring.

V. Personal taste and preference
You must also follow the personal taste and preference of the homeowners based on their theme that they have chosen earlier. Some homeowners might be very troublesome if you don’t follow their preference so it is best that you try it together and discuss along the way from the planning of the 
landscape design, to the hardscape and finally the softscape that they would prefer to have.

VI. Softscape and Hardscape
This is also the most important part that you should put into consideration. Combining both hardscape and softscape help you to determine the different function of different spaces in the yard. It is also important when you are trying to design the walkway and path so the combination of the two will enable you to design it more in details.

For more detail please contact Us
Tree Cutting KL
LandScape Specialist Malaysia 1
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